Vicki's Eulogy
Let me begin with a short song – portion of a song.
For those of you who do not know me – I am the youngest - the baby and I want to share some thoughts with you. My dad has taught me many things and one would be to stand up and speak when I want to get my point across. So . . . Sorry Dad – I said to you at your retirement that I was not going to give your eulogy but I have to, want to, and I must.
To all of you here today to support my Mother and my family, I thank you. Your kind affection has been felt by each of us. Words cannot express how we feel.
I am truly blest by having great friends, neighbors and co-workers and I am doubly blest with a super family. I have a loving husband and kids, wonderful brothers and a sister, nieces and nephews and the list goes on. I have a great Mom that only the divine can take away – I love her dearly. And of course why we are all here today is because I had a great Dad.
34 years ago, I was brought into this world. I did not come with an owner’s manual or an operating guide. What I was given by God were loving parents – my set reference books. In a sense this set of reference books were a collection of several books, possibly I had two physical books that I could refer to often and a spiritual book that is yet to be explored. Whatever the case maybe – these books are on loan with a due date that I am not aware of.
I can’t totally describe to you the set that bears my mother’s name since I am still reading and using this one daily. I find myself referring to her often and plan to for a long time to come. What I can tell you about is that set I got with a title that just read DAD. I looked up many things in the Dad Reference Book. His book was totally open for all to see and he shared it willingly and lovingly. The older I have become the more clearly the quotes of his book have appeared:
- Over look the bad in people
- Think kindly of others
- Offer of yourself your time, talents, and treasures
- Give more than you receive
- Love unconditionally
- Know when to lead and know when to follow
- Have a work ethic that none can compare
- Love your family with all your heart
I have turned numerous pages of the Dad Reference some came in full color and other is just black and white. Pictures with my some pages of the book:
- The page of the show a picture of a long dreamed cottage close to a peaceful lake with loons gracefully swimming
- The page that shows a fishing boat with plenty of bait and the gas topped of
- The page of Saturday morning trip to the grocery store
- The page of people cooking in the kitchen of St. Bernadette’s
- The page of helping at the RAMS Christmas parties
- The page where parents bring a young women down an aisle
- The page where a grandpa gently rocks a baby
- The page where he ties my husband’s tie, teaches my husband to filet fish and butcher deer
- The page where a grandpa throws balls to his grandson and granddaughter
- The page where yells “Hey Jake”
- The page which shows a man standing proud
- The page with a grandpa taking his grandkids to school
Pages flash so numerous I cannot keep up with them. I hold all of them dearly.
The chapters of this book are many and it will take a lifetime to read.
Are you picturing this reference book with me? Can you vividly see in this Reference Book? I am positive that that is what he wants us to recall. If you do not have a Tony reference you must know one of his children – I am convinced that some of his references are hereditary.
Last week, I wondered when the time for that book was due. As I recall, signs were showing long ago of wear and the book needed serious mending. To my eye, the spine of the book was strong with minor rips and tears. To the trained eye, the very core of the book had some holes and some pages that were sticking. By the end of the week, the decision was made abruptly; the book needed fixing so off it went for repair.
It is strange how things happen. Was the book was actually due? The due date had come and I had not finished the book.
AT 12:03 am Sunday morning, the call came. I had begun a tug-of-war with a book fairy that came to tell me that the book was due. I pleaded and I begged. A reference book is not checked out on long-term lone the fairy said. The head librarian came and told me that he was going to do every thing that he could to see if I could have the book a little longer.
Sometime around 9:30, I caught but a glimpse of the book. It traveled slowly down a hallway to a room that had restrictions. The head librarian was right I thought. Now being awake for nearly 2 days and worried about this book, something inside me told me to go to church; this church and recruit others to help me get my book. A sensation that I can only describe as a warm feeling came over me saying it will be ok. OK – I want the book.
In mid-afternoon, I returned to the place where I had left the book hours ago. I was told the book was still mending but more serious rips and holes were there. I could not go to the book for I was afraid of what I might find. The book could be page less. So back home I went the whole while begging with the fairy to get what I wanted.
At 7 pm on Sunday, my soul mate and I headed out. As we drove I began again to see if I could beg with the book fairy. On the way, I felt that warm tingling feeling again. My thoughts were racing. For some strange reason, the car in front of us had a vanity plate that read – Amazing Grace. Someone was trying to tell me something. This is not just coincidence. That warm feeling and its ok playing over and over again . . .
I made it to the depository. I knew as I walked in that I had to see the book for myself. Others were telling me about the status of the book but I needed to see. It’s ok – ok - ok
It was hard. I looked over the ICU. Peered around a corner. I wanted to run. I took several steps out of the room and that warm feeling came back – something was pulling me closer. I turned around and went back to the book – gently kissed the cover and said what a great book you are.
My other physical reference MOM and I went to visit the spiritual realm – something extremely important that both references taught me. I knew right then and there that the book was due. I was handed over a thicker spiritual book in its place. I had to turn in my other book.
The book fairy came – the due date – May 12. Could not have picked a better day in my mind - Dad. I surely will never forget. Mothers Day 2002. My aunt’s - my dad’s sister’s birthday and my own daughter’s birthday. The pain was felt already to have the book not at Natasha’s birthday – the first my Dad had ever missed.
The grace of the Lord has spoken to me Dad. I have heard the voice calling in the night - calling for you. You have gone and the Lord has took you and I will no be afraid.
So then what do I have left of the set of books? Take a look around. My most prized references are right down there. But really my references have multiplied. I have all of you. My physical Dad reference is gone. There is no way I can check him out again in a physical form. But there are two books that no one will ever take from me – My spiritual book that I am just beginning to read with my new angel as a guide and my book of memories.
Dear God I am giving to you something special today.
I give to you a man who loved his wife dearly, loved his children unconditionally, and adored and enjoyed his grandkids immensely.
I am fortunate. I have parents who love me and who will continually guide me in life not many can say that. I will pass the reference books along. My Dad and mother help shape a reference and I will continue to give of my reference to any who will accept. My Dad and Mom would want no less of me.
I am now giving the physical book back to you. If you don’t mind, I wasn’t finished with the book yet so hopefully the book will be lying around when I get there.
I love my Dad ~