Grandpa's Photo Gallery


The Guckenberger Family
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Grandpa's Photo Gallery


The Guckenberger Family Photo Gallery

Some of our favorite photos of grandpa with his family.

Grandpa and Alex on the Gator

Mom and Dad with Voluteer award in 2000

Grandpa learning to ride a cycle at an old age

Grandpa and Alex at Xmas 99

Grandpa and Mac at Quarrey Quest 2001 - Note the Dozer Days shirt. Gpa loves gators!

Grandpa, David, and Mac

Are you sure its working? I can't get it to go!

Games with the Grandchildren

One two - stick on my shoe!

Halloween party at Dave and Deb's - Lion was scared?

Dad with publisher of Appleton Post Crescent receiving award in 2000

My mom can't believe it

John's 5th birthday party at David's house

Birthday party for Mac-Dad is happy here

So you see Gpa, that makes it go faster.

Grandpa, its over there.

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This site was last updated 05/23/02